It is com­mon knowl­edge that giv­en a choice one would like to look for the most eco­nom­i­cal option when look­ing for a web host­ing ser­vice.

This is espe­cial­ly true in the case of some­one who has just start­ed out or does not have too much cash to spare. Due to the increase in com­pe­ti­tion there are var­i­ous ser­vice providers who offer good ser­vice at com­pet­i­tive prices.

As a guide for new­bies, we are going to dis­cuss some things you don’t know about cheap web host­ing in this arti­cle.

1. Beware of the word Free and Unlim­it­ed. This usu­al­ly a farce to entice gullible web­site own­ers to take on a ser­vice and in a lot of cas­es you will end up with your fin­gers burnt.

This might seem like a cheap option over­all but remem­ber that noth­ing is free and you will almost always end by pay­ing for unlim­it­ed usage in the form of bills or sus­pend­ed web­site.

2. What a lot of peo­ple don’t know about cheap web host­ing is the fact that the cus­tomer sup­port sys­tem is not very strong. While it is true that you pay less for host­ing the web­site, the fact that the tech­ni­cal staff is lim­it­ed and may even be under qual­i­fied is some­thing that can be an issue.

You might not be able to access sup­port at a cru­cial time or end up with some­one who is unable to answer your ques­tions.

3. It is no point going for a cheap web host if they do not guar­an­tee you good uptime. Uptime is the amount of time that the serv­er is actu­al func­tion­al and this real­ly is cru­cial. A serv­er that is down often will mean that your web­site will not work and you will lose vis­i­tors.

You while you may be pay­ing less, there is no reli­a­bil­i­ty and there are issues with speed of access.

4. One of the things that one does not know about cheap web host­ing is that there are lim­i­ta­tions of band­width and resources sup­plied.
A large num­ber of clients may be feed­ing off the
lim­it­ed resources of a cheap host and this will mean prob­lems of dis­tri­b­u­tion. This in turn will affect the over­all per­for­mance of the web­site.

5. Anoth­er prob­lem that one might face with cheap web hosts is the fact that they will put up too many adver­tise­ments on your site. They usu­al­ly use ads to cov­er up rev­enue and this will mean annoy­ing ban­ners and pop-ups that spring up unex­pect­ed­ly on your web page.

These ads not only take up space that could have oth­er­wise been gain­ful­ly uti­lized but can also irri­tate vis­i­tors to your site.

Cheap web host­ing may be an option for some­one who has just start­ed out or some­one who is using a web­site for fun. It is still a good idea how­ev­er to go through the list of things you don’t know about cheap web host­ing before a final deci­sion has been reached. This will mean that you have tak­en an informed deci­sion after full con­sid­er­a­tion and lead to max­i­mum sat­is­fac­tion.

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1 Comment

  1. It is impor­tant to note that all host­ing ser­vices have resource lim­its. How they deal with those lim­its have major impact on how well their servers per­form. Com­pa­nies which offer unlim­it­ed stor­age space and band­width often com­pen­sate by restrict­ing how many con­nec­tions each site may have at any giv­en time, or how much CPU usage is allowed per site.

    Once these lim­its are reached, your vis­i­tors either can not use your site at all, or begin to expe­ri­ence errors. Make sure your host is upfront with the lim­its they apply!

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